Growing Bolder.

Growing Bolder

Be Yourself

Charles Dasher lives full-time in his RV; Melinda Sparks finds her spot playing professional football; Denise Kaufman and the band Ace of Cups; author Gretchen Rubin. (30 minutes)

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Fri, 5/17 at 5:00 am on Austin PBS Create

A Life of Purpose

Singer-songwriter Tom Rush; multiple studies reveal that adults fear dementia more than cardiac disease or cancer; improving brain health. (30 minutes)

Fri, 5/24 at 5:00 am on Austin PBS Create

You Can Do It

A secretary turned CEO helps individuals with disabilities succeed in life; planning for the next life stage; stroke survivor Secily Wilson talks about planning for what's next. (30 minutes)

Fri, 5/31 at 5:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Surviving & Thriving

A woman who lost her husband then her job reveals how she is learning to heal and love life again; fitness instructor Denise Austin talks about making movement a daily priority. (30 minutes)